How far along: 37 Weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs.
Stretch marks: Yes.
Belly Button: In
Maternity clothes: I got some new yoga pants. I really want shorts, but I guess capris will do.
Sleep: Over the weekend I actually managed to stay up until midnight (thanks to movie watching and the Los.t finale) and slept like old times. Maybe I should rethink the whole "going to bed earlier because sleeping has been crap" theory.
Food cravings/aversions: Cantaloupe. At the store. Not so much when we get home with it though.
Gender: Boy!
Movement: My OB wants me to do kick counts in these final weeks. Kick counts stress me out. Really stress me out.
Best moment this week: The nurse finding the baby's heartbeat right away on the doppler.
What I miss: Is it possible to miss coaching because I know it's going to end soon?
I am looking forward to: Ultrasound!! I'm pretty sure the baby is back in the correct position. Hopefully it stays that way until birth!
Weekly Wisdom: As the length of time between OB appts decreases, the anxiety experienced during the time between OB appts increases proportionately. How did I make it 4 weeks between appts for so long?
Milestones: Full term!! Any day now!
Monday, May 24, 2010
37 Weeks
Posted by
The Wife
1:46 PM
Labels: Pregnant
Friday, May 21, 2010
36w OB appt
Back to early morning appts. At my 34w appt, I decided to try doing a later time and it was horrible. I had to wait in the various waiting rooms forever!! Have I mentioned that I hate waiting? Anyways this appt, I went back to the 8am slot. Everything checked out. My weight has stayed the same, but Dr. P isn't concerned about that. They have me as +17 lbs so far. BP was fine, no contractions yet and urine test came back normal.
A normal appt except for the fact that I had a sheet around me from the waist down. Yep at 36 weeks we start checking the cervix. I also had my strep B test. Before she did the check I mentioned to her that I thought GV was breech again. I then had to explain that I can feel the difference in his positions because he's either kicking my bladder or shoving his feet under my ribs. Dr. P was hoping he was punching my bladder but that still doesn't explain the ribs being left alone. So she checked. And while she wouldn't confirm that he wasn't head down she didn't seem to think he was. So she wants to do another ultrasound next week (btw, I'm at weekly appts now!) before my 37w appt. Then she mentioned the whole c-section thing. I really don't want one. I've never had major surgery or hospital stays so far and I'd like to keep it that way.
Kevin has been getting a lot of meetings and training appts - in preparation for the outsourcing - in the mornings lately so I knew I had to make the appt in the afternoon if I wanted him to go. So next Thursday expect pictures!
Posted by
The Wife
11:27 AM
Labels: Pregnant
Thursday, May 20, 2010
36 Weeks
This is from yesterday. All caught up now!
How far along: 36 Weeks 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +14.5 lbs. It took me four days to remember to weigh myself in the morning before my shower so the weight might be a little off. But still, down half a pound since last week. Arg!
Stretch marks: Yes. We might get pregnancy photos done this or next Sunday. I'm not planning on any bare belly shots, but if we do I'm photoshoping those suckers out! I don't need these photos to be that accurate.
Belly Button: In
Maternity clothes: I've given up on some of the pants because they just won't stay up. But I've still got a good selection left. Also I'm amazed that my $10 walma.rt track pants that I got years ago would adjust so well to having a baby bump. Who'd have thought?
Sleep: The tossing and turning is not as much as it use to be. Now it's just fighting being hot all the time.
Food cravings/aversions: I keep smelling pancakes and syrup in the mornings...Maybe that's a sign?
Gender: Boy!
Movement: It's become more stretching and pushing rather than kicking and punching. But occasionally the baby gets a good punch/kick in.
Best moment this week: Two surprises in one week! Dave getting cake on her b-day and the baby shower the agility ladies threw for us on Monday.
What I miss: Nothing this week
I am looking forward to: OB appt this week! That's right! Heartbeat on doppler time again! Breastfeeding class on Thursday. Also Kevin is going to a Daddy Bootcamp this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: Somehow visiting a hospital and going on a tour of Labor & Delivery makes it more real.
Milestones: 90% downloaded finally! Only four weeks to go! Less than a month!
Posted by
The Wife
1:27 PM
Labels: Pregnant
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
35 Weeks
This is dated May 11, 2010.
How far along: 35 Weeks 2 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs. I read in the "What to Expect" book and in the Mayo's that weight gain should slow down or even stop in the final month. But then other women tell me that their weight exploded in that last month. So we'll have to see what happens. At this point I'm just gonna eat what I want. As long as I get my protein, calcium, & vitamin in everyday I'm not going to worry about it.
Stretch marks: Yes. There might be more now. Still only in the one area.
Belly Button: Still in. I don't think it's going to come out.
Maternity clothes: My selection of T-shirts that still fit me has been going down. I'm now rotating through about 5 or 6 of them.
Sleep: Okay-ish. Only 5 more weeks!
Food cravings/aversions: Ice cream. But I let Kevin pick it out. Surprisingly he didn't choose chocolate chocolate chocolate. He went with vanilla chocolate chocolate.
Gender: Boy!
Movement: So the little feet have found a great nook under my ribcage. Ouch!
Best moment this week: Getting our diapers from Ama.zon! They are sooooo cute! Also of course hearing the baby's heartbeat on the doppler.
What I miss: A reliable car! Well I guess my car is back to being reliable now that it's got a new battery and tires.
I am looking forward to: Dave turning 10 on the 12th! Also we have our hospital tour this week.
Weekly Wisdom: Pepperoni Pizza Puffs are not enough to fill up on! They're an appetizer at most.
Milestones: Mostly everything is washed and put away!
Posted by
The Wife
10:07 AM
Labels: Pregnant
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
34 Weeks
This is dated May 3, 2010.
How far along: 34 Weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs. I was a bit freaked out about last weeks weight gain since it wasn't one to begin with so I might have gone a little crazy with the food. But it puts me back on track.
Stretch marks: So I've accepted those 5 red marks as stretch marks. What is weird is that it's on the one part of the belly that isn't rock hard or stretched like the top of my belly is. I'd have expected SM there if anywhere.
Belly Button: Still in.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Sleep: I've discovered that if I put the L-shaped pillow by my feet Les sleeps on Kevin's side of the bed. Score! Gonna have to use this one sparingly though or I'll have an upset husband and dog on my hands. Also an upset me when my hips start acting up again.
Food cravings/aversions: IHOP for dinner last night! Yum-O!
Gender: Boy!
Movement: I freaked out a bit on Friday about the absense of kicks and punches so my wonderful OB office let me come in for a non-stress test (NST). And the baby passed with flying colors! So I've accepted that the moves are just different now.
Best moment this week: The baby defying me at the NST and totally kicking up a storm. Yes even those knowing grins when I told the NP that the baby wasn't moving half an hour ago!
What I miss: Seeing Dave at agility. Apparently she did well (but didn't Q), best performances she's given in a while now.
I am looking forward to: OB appt this week so I'll get to hear the baby on the doppler again! Plus we're finally meeting with pediatricians in the afternoon. Half day at work! Woo hoo!
Weekly Wisdom: You usually have more things for the baby than you think you do.
Milestones: 85% downloaded! Almost to full term
Posted by
The Wife
9:51 AM
Labels: Pregnant
Monday, May 17, 2010
33 Weeks
This is dated April 26, 2010. I know it's a bit late but I've got to catch up. And I'm totally using this as today's post.
How far along: 33 Weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: +12.6 lbs. Down almost a pound from last week. I weighed myself multiple times and couldn't get a number to come up the same twice so I just averaged.
Stretch marks: Those red marks are still there. If it was just a skin irritation (I've got very sensitive skin) then I would imagine they would be gone by now...
Belly Button: Still in.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new.
Sleep: It's getting better. Slowly.
Food cravings/aversions: None.
Gender: Boy! We're starting to call him by name now. Although since for the past 7 months we've been calling him by other nicknames it's a bit weird coming off the tongue.
Movement: Yes! Lots! There's even interaction when I push on my belly.
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby again! The ultrasound was awesome! Also having the new carpet installed! It's so nice!
What I miss: Being able to finish a meal in one go.
I am looking forward to: Agility trial this weekend! Dave is competing again but only on Friday when I'm not there. Maybe this will help keep her focused on her human in the ring and not freak out about her human not in the ring.
Weekly Wisdom: New paint and carpet makes any room look awesome. You don't even need to put anything else in there!
Milestones: More baby books!
Posted by
The Wife
9:38 AM
Labels: Pregnant
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Today I managed to get more done! I finally went through everything that was left in the dining room and threw away what needed throwing, recycled what needed recycling and took everything else upstairs to the GV's room. So our dining room table is now clear. Also the dining room. GV's room needs work though. Maybe next weekend I'll finish that off. I've already given the office over to Kevin to finish off. Everything is in there, it just needs to be put away and organized.
While Kevin went climbing this afternoon I headed to the store and finally picked up our travel system. I managed to put together the stroller. I know you're suppose to wash everything before use but I can't figure out how to take the washable stuff out and be able to put everything back together again. But I figure I've got a little time before those have to be done. Hopefully Kevin will install the car seat this week and get it inspected. That's the only part I'm worried about since at my last OB appt, Dr. P said that at this point if I go into labor, they wouldn't stop it. We need that car seat in!
Posted by
The Wife
10:40 PM
Labels: Pregnant
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Unrestful Night
So lately I've been waking up around 3 or 4 am and haven't been able to fall back asleep. I wake up and my brain is just filled with worries, hesitations and thoughts of the future. It happened again last night around 3am. Took me over an hour, TV and a book to eventually fall back asleep.
But then I had an early start today. Soccer game. 2nd to last regular season game. We're also doing a tournament Memorial Day weekend. It always gets me here how tryouts are before the end of the season. Our team has tryouts Monday but we've still got 4, possibly 5, more games and two weeks of practice left. It's all good and well when a player chooses to leave a team but what about those who get cut? I think it's a lot to ask of little girls to suck it up and keep going. And I'm not usually one of those "Everyone Wins" type of people, in fact the opposite. Oh well, I'm missing tryouts/practice this week because of baby stuff so it should be interesting at next weekend's game.
Okay, it's time for Doc.tor W.ho so I'm gonna get going. Hope everyone had a great Saturday!
Posted by
The Wife
9:10 PM
Friday, May 14, 2010
30 days!
That's right only 30 more days to go. Hopefully it flies by. Probably not. But I can hope.
Sorry I've been a little MIA lately. It's not just from posting but commenting as well. I have been reading this whole time though! I promise to do better. In fact I've decided that I'm going to post something at least once a day from here to birth. It might not be interesting but it will be something. Also I need to publish my weekly updates. I've been holding on to those for some reason.
Just in case you were wondering, the new office is still filled with boxes but most of the stuff is in there. The nursery has most of the nursery stuff but some is still on the dining room table. So we're farther along but not quite done yet. Maybe in 30 days?
Posted by
The Wife
3:21 PM
Labels: decorating, Pregnant, projects