November 1995 - Meet Kevin on an telnet chat program called 'burbs. I was going to school in Florida, he in England.
December 1995 - I suggest to Kevin that he should call me over the holidays. Surprisingly he does. One night after spending the evening in the pub.
January 1996 - Kevin and I start exchanging emails/letters/phone calls.
March 1996 - Kevin and I decide that we want to meet. Being poor students we know it will take awhile so until then we agree to keep our options open so that when we meet, if we click, we're good.
January 1997 - We develop a plan that I will go over to England for a month and Kevin will come back for a month and a half. We buy our tickets.
July 4, 1997 - Kevin and I meet IRL for the first time.
September 1997 - After over 90 days together, Kevin goes back home.
June 1998 - Kevin graduates from university.
July 1998 - I visit Kevin for a month in England. He surprises me with a trip to Paris.
December 1998 - Kevin surprise visits me for my 21st birthday.
May 1999 - I graduate from university.
July 1999 - Kevin visits. I take him back to Texas to meet all my relatives.
November 1999 - I move to England through the BUNAC program.
June 2000 - I move back to Florida. We rescue Dave from a Publix parking lot.
December 2000 - I visit Kevin in England.
May 2001 - Kevin visits.
November 2001 - Kevin visits and experiences his first Thanksgiving. It easily becomes his favorite American holiday.
September 2002 - Kevin visits. We spend a week in North Carolina in the Smokies.
March 2003 - I visit Kevin. We go to Spain for three weeks and while there we decide that Kevin should move to the US.
August 2003 - Kevin comes for a month. We learn that he's too late to apply for a H1-B visa for 2004.
May 2004 - Kevin visits to look for a job. Lots of nibbles, but no one is willing to sponsor him.
July 2004 - Kevin is about to hand in his 3 months notice when he finds out he's been made redundant.
January 2005 - Kevin travels to the US on a one-way ticket determined to find a job.
February 2005 - Kevin starts interviewing. He gets an offer contingent on approval of an H1-B visa that year.
March 2005 - Kevin gets his nickname.
April 2005 - Kevin goes back to England.
August 2005 - Kevin's visa is approved!
September 2005 - Kevin moves to the US. We move to Ohio.
October 2005 - We adopt Les from SICSA.
March 2006 - We celebrate 10 years together.
July 2006 - We move to Virginia. We buy our first home.
December 2006 - Kevin proposes on evite. I accept.
July 5, 2007 - We're at Manchester airport where we met 10 years and 1 day before.
September 22, 2007 - We get married.
January 2008 - AF goes missing.
April 2008 - At routine GYN appt I'm diagnosed with a slight case of PCOS.
June 2008 - We start TTC.
November 2008 - Attend CCC Adoption Orientation
December 2008 - Attend CHSVA Adoption Orientation
January 2009 - Attend JFS Adoption Workshop.
September 6, 2009 - Cycle #11 - 150mg Clomid (3-7), Baby Aspirin.
September 2009 - We finally go on our honeymoon!
September 16, 2009 - We are approved! Home Study complete.
October 9, 2009 - POAS on CD34: BFP! Beta: 768, P4: 20.3
October 27, 2009 - Ultrasound shows one baby with a heartbeat! Measures at 7w0d; due date set at June 15, 2010.
October 27, 2009 - Ultrasound shows one baby with a heartbeat! Measures at 7w0d; due date set at June 15, 2010.
November 12, 2009 - 9w OB appt. GV measures 9w4d. EDD reset to June 13, 2010. Heard the heartbeat! 171bpm.
January 27, 2010 - 20w OB appt & u/s. It's a boy!! On his tummy and wouldn't budge! Heartbeat in the 140s.
June 14, 2010 - 40W OB appt & NST. Despite "cramps" since 3:15am still at 0. Induction scheduled for the 16th.
June 15, 2010 - GV is born!