Apparently I don't know my body or my cycles or anything at all.
Monday the 5th
After waiting for two additional weeks past when AF was suppose to happen I finally had my Provera & Clomid prescriptions filled. I woke up and POAS'd and it was negative. So I finally gave in and decided to take the Provera.
Wednesday the 7th
I take the first provera pill.
Sunday the 11th
I take the last provera pill. And then when dicussing with Kevin the time line I realize that I'm suppose to be ovulating on the 29th which is right when we'll be traveling to Kev's parents house. Not great timing and Kevin is a bit upset. So we decide that we're not going to use the clomid and just skip this round. It messes up our plans at Christmas (this is an English year) but what else can we do?
Tuesday the 13th
AF was suppose to show up today but hasn't. I'm not that concerned because I know it can take up to 10 days but it never has before. It's always shown up two days after the last provera.
Wednesday the 14th
GV is actually sleeping in this morning so when I woke up I had the sudden urge to test. I see the yogurt cup that I used for last week's test still next to the sink so I grab it and move to the toilet. Kevin walks in and gives me a look for testing again. I do the needful and then test it. I see the control line quickly but nothing on the test line so I dump the pee and start cleaning up. I'm reaching for the test to throw it away when I realize that I'm looking at two lines!
Thursday the 15th
Yesterday Kevin brought me home a new collection cup just in case the cup somehow is what caused the BFP. Test #2 is positive. The line is even darker this time.
Now this baby is real. So going off the fact that I got a BFN last week and a BFP this week does that mean I'm only 4 weeks along? Or do I still go from my LMP start date which means that I'm 9 weeks? Also what should I expect with having taken Provera? I'm not sure what to think but I'm happy. I haven't had morning sickness. I've been hungrier but chalked that up to my new exercise workout routine once I got that first BFN. My boops were sore earlier this week but thought it was because I slept wrong (yes I still sleep on my stomach). No nausea or food aversions.
I have so many questions for my doctor and it's killing me that I have to wait till next Friday to get them answered. I need Dr. Grrrr back!