On October 24th Kevin got up at 4:30 in the morning, packed the car with way too much stuff, grabbed Dave and Les (well they get themselves in the car really) and headed to Misty Mountain Campgrounds (1.5 hours west of us) to compete in their first agility competition. Me? I slept in till 7:00 then got up and ready for my soccer game (which we lost :( ), coached and then got in my car and headed out to meet them. By the time I finally got there, Dave & Les had run their first event, the Jumpers course. Les knocked a bar down at obstacle #14 so she didn't qualify, but Dave ran a perfect run (minus the sniffing stops) and not only qualified, but came in first place! Go Dave!
I got there around lunch time. The rest of the day was wet and drizzling but it cleared up right before their Standard course. Les was up first and had another awesome run, however when she got to the table she forgot to stop so Kevin had to get her back on the table. This is an automatic NQ. Dave was next and she ran well. Well not really. She stopped to sniff several times, she tried to go through the tire jump the wrong way and wouldn't lay down when she got to the table. This all culminated in a time that was 42.06 seconds over the qualifying time. Oops. However between Les' faults and Dave's super slow time, they managed to get 1st (Les) and 2nd (Dave)! Okay, there were only 3 dogs competing in their class and the third dog didn't even finish the course, but that's besides the point. My dogs locked up 1st and 2nd!
Now Kevin is totally hooked. The next trial is Thanksgiving weekend. At first when he was told about it he didn't want to do it. His parents would be here and they wouldn't want to trek out to somewhere to watch us and a bunch of other people running around with their dogs. This was his assumption, not that he actually asked them. Well after the trial, he started thinking that maybe we could go and do a half day - a standard course and another nonstandard course. Well he finally talked to Mum and she's all for spending a day watching so now he wants to do the whole shebang, a standard course plus jumpers, relay and snooker. Yeah, he's hooked.
The Captain Takes a Wife {a Review}
8 years ago
Congrats to your pups! Banana wouldn't stand a chance...!!!
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