My appt was in the morning yesterday. Kevin went with me since it was his work-from-home day. Did I mention that he now gets to work from home one day a week? So unfair. Anyways Dr. G had no problems finding my right ovary. I has one 7mm follicle but he didn't seem too excited about it. Then he found the left and there were two follicles. One was 10mm and the other was 9mm. He seemed to like those better. He then announced that I would need to continue the HMG injections till Monday when I'm suppose to come back in. Frick! I thought I was done.
While we were doing the u/s, they were asking Kev how he was doing with giving the injections. Then Dr. G told us a story about a husband that once threw one at his wife like a dart. Dr. G was laughing so hard he could barely tell the story. It was cute.
The Captain Takes a Wife {a Review}
7 years ago
I think it's pretty normal to have to stim for a little longer than you were planning. Better to go slower and grow just a couple of follicles than cancel the whole thing. The dart thing doesn't seem like too good of an idea... however my nurse told DH to use a dart throwing motion to stab me.
That's what they told Kevin and I'm assuming that's what they told this guy. But they're not suppose to let go of the needle. He did! And it bounced off her butt!
Sounds like it's going good so far! A little more stim and you'll be all set. Hooray! I'm crossing my fingers and saying a prayer for you.
Needle wielding husbands sounds very scary to me. My husband is too wimpy to give me shots. So glad his sister is a nurse and has volunteered to admin any I can't. But the image of a doctor laughing about a dart like needle is pretty fun!
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